5 Poems by Geoffrey Olsen

"deep under, the continual wish to sever" - Clark Coolidge, Alien Tatters


     bent over slowed our sludgy fracture, a blurring
tongue isn't frame, my tongue self
lucidly blurs leers friend taste
stalk of green inference waits

             ruptures an open cellular, mimes
crease, into sweet body temperature, a soft analgesic, general
anesthetic quiet that comes over
             before sentience

fielded, recording in the quiet of dust, over dust,
in the global oh noes crease
    greener acid blank set down for our
aw you're here, thumb holding not

              I'm mired again

     deferred for a dim
               peoples, plebs seize the plex

turning over the nearness, bulk

   bulk of light's bending

       a part of me withdraw  the split, in

it's boredom, left wondering

a part subsiding, sank under mud

     gravity well, given

them estuary

       cold futures cast in wave, watch minutes

of power meet despair

   a word that's dropped

here, like a tempo

      piercing miseries

   just to allow this futured flowing


   flowering as value

rampant descriptions


uneasy unpeopling

withdraw within animalized armature love

material weaponry, routes surging wave

the men beleaguer rot, capital's circle

sphere stripped orbit--mulberry falls

mid line on this page, where it

continues, solo, lived in continuum

auto chitter affixed striation, reverb had

me on edge, edgeless, ridden cat-

egories shimmer at the split, at the

concavity glimmering, drought frays in

this draft community infrastructure

realism's condominium, time's tempo

we'd curve into the burn's seriousness,

burn's era errata light to the

browned grass, lumbering cattle capital

human criminals in wave of wailing

some lumbering line which rings

around me, play, the hole here 

tattered shatterings, wealth-less transmissions

shared electron breakage released brutal

glow flames flare, concrete rupture, 1950

outer clarity garbles, comes down in the

mote in the beam through the dust

storm, says little wait for an eye

an edge west, plastic left everywhere, counter

mourning writ in nows, leisure,

goes where human animal is cheapest,

reinforced through violence, AFRICOM poem

fund counter insurgencies pooling in

mirrored rose thorniness, thrums silver

gaze mercury reflective song

to swift noise severing link to you

link to your anticipation, reaching into void of shipping

containers moving over the purple luminous

surface, grace of brutal downs, memory

watch the grim analogue opera

light through the purple plastic shard

archive beauteous earth eats opening

  thermal luminescence, led, splint as photo,

tensed, despair in mote, clears us

       windowed phase wends, I'm bitter at blurring,

not a demobilizing, words caught at the edge of tonguing

   dried to hard soil. of this world

    writing presumptuous glowing weld

     a part the despair wields,

spark. edge improvisation, a clearing

              in the destruction


     as tone

          waiting severe

              parts blur out

                          smeared fear



Geoffrey Olsen is the author of Nerves Between Song (Beautiful Days Press 2024) and five chapbooks, most recently Livid Remainders (above/ground press 2023). He lives in Brooklyn, New York, USA.


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